Breakfast Show Reflections
1-Did you fulfill all the content requirements; both in terms of including all the correct features as well as the actual choices made? Alize and I fulfilled all of our requirements in terms of this task. We made it relevant to Latymer by including names of teachers and of course naming it the Latymer Breakfast Show makes it relevant to Latymer life. It features songs of the pop genre, and are from English artists, for example Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran. Jingles are also included, and we featured a news reading and a call in from a member of the public. It meets the needs of the TA, who are fans of the R1 breakfast show.
2-Have you nailed the conventions and style of Nick Grimshaw and the Radio One Breakfast Show?
I feel like we have nailed the conventions and style of the Nick Grimshaw breakfast show. For example, we involved a lot of harmless banter between the host and the call-in or news reporter. We also featured segments from the show such as the celebrity gamble, which is involved in the Nick Grimshaw show. Also, our banter was relatively cringey, which is a convention of the Grimshaw show.
3-How well did you manage your running order/timings?
I think that Alize and I managed the timings relatively well, as we fit the entire segment within three minutes and each individual section filled the time required. However, as it was one take there were a few moments of silence, which is not typical of the show. For example, at 2:15, there was a long pause that we hoped would not have been there, which was our only main problem with timings.
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