1 - My role in the task
The role of Alize and I was to create a post on social media in the style of the telegraph. We would have to do this for Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. This required choosing the right story from those provided - we chose BREXIT for both twitter and facebook, but chose a story about Christmas shopping for Instagram, as this allowed for a nicer picture, which is what Instagram is focused on. We were then required to choose a photo for each story, as well as write a caption and add text specific to the platform, for example Instagram contained some comments.
2 - Explain the codes and conventions used in one media form and explain their intended impact
On the left is the Instagram post that I created about high street sales plummeting this Christmas due to the rise in internet shopping. It is denoted as a wide shot, which allows for the person viewing it to see a lot more of what is going on - it also shows a lot of the public in the photo. This connotes that this story could affect everyone, as the Christmas high street is something that is loved by everyone. It signifies that it is affecting everyone and everything. Another convention on Instagram is the use of comments, which I have followed here. It is denoted as two people having their say on the matter - one saying that this is always going to happen and one saying that the fall of the Christmas high street would be 'upsetting'. This connotes that there is a disagreement in the public. This disagreement would cause more audience interaction, which has an intended impact of making people read further into the story, through either the website or newspaper, which would boost profits. Another convention used on the facebook post is the short post itself, which has an intended impact of encouraging the audience to click the link and therefore go to the website, where money can be made.
3 -Explain how your choices reflect the real newspaper's values and target audience

4 Explain how your team adapted the news across the three different media forms and the reasons behind your decisions.
Our team had to make big decisions in terms of adapting the news across the different media forms, because each from has a specific purpose. The Brexit story featured on all three platforms, so this best represents the way we adapted the news. On social media - Twitter and facebook - the story is presented as short and very to the point, whereas it is much longer on the website and on the newspaper. This is because the people using the social media are often more busy, so it gets the news across to them quicker. Also, the Telegraph do not make a profit off of the social media, so by making it short it makes the audience want more information. They would then go to the website or newspaper for the longer story, which the Telegraph make money from.
5. In hindsight, is there anything about your team's outcomes that you would adapt or improve?
The main point I would have in terms of adaption is making clear what the news story actually consisted of. On the facebook, it mentions that Britain have officially left, but on the newspaper and on the website it says that only a deal has been agreed. I would make it the same for all of them, as this would confuse the audience and therefore turn them away from the Telegraph.
WWW Adequate response to the questions, particularly references to audience and a good sense of the purpose of the different platforms and the connection between social media and the newspaper's website.
ReplyDeleteEBI Political stance not referred to, which is a major gap.